I am pretty partial to this one...she is my baby girl after all. And she's already one year old, *sigh*. It happened way too quickly. Ok, enough of the motherly "they grow up so fast" speech and on to the gorgeousness that is Jayne (not bragging, just my prerogative as her mother to say such things :)
I love the vintage feel this one took on with the old posters and the sun spilling in through the window. Makes me feel like she could have been in that barbershop 50 years ago.
P.S. A BIG thanks to my friend Sig for all the baby wrangling! Love you!
Are you kidding me? She is breathtaking. And those outfits! My goodness. I have got to get to Utah so you can take our pics. So impressive. (Actually we are going to St. George in a few months to have C sealed....don't you need a little weekend trip...hit up the Beav.. ;) )
She is so so cute! I love the pics Lou, great job as always!
She is sooooo cute. You are one great photographer, my friend.
Ok how dang cute is Jayne!! She is such a doll. I love the red jacket and the scarf. Great compostion and way to use the light at the barbershop. Awesome work.
Wow--I'm really dying over these photos. These are definately your best photos so far! Not only because Jane is the cutest girl in the world but because they really great!!! Was that location in Ogden? Love it.
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